How to do SEO in 2022

Nowadays, technology is constantly evolving, and the Internet is one of the most popular technologies. New technologies (website tools for communication with users, payment systems on the Internet, eCommerce, etc) have transformed the Internet into a place for sales and into a powerful marketing tool. The number of Internet users is increasing daily, and the competition is growing as well.

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Top-10 link building tools

Link building is a broad concept that includes a whole strategy for obtaining backlinks from quality resources. It is preferable to choose the resources which weren’t used for link building before. However, link building in our usual understanding has appeared relatively recently. Previously, its functions were significantly different. Back in 1999, the first “link exchanges” began. Then people came up with sending requests by email agreeing to add links to a site.

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How to create an SEO strategy?

Nowadays the optimization of any web resource cannot be done without the main component of the promotion process — an SEO strategy. There are many definitions of this term because the strategy itself does not have clear rules, and its components vary depending on what needs to be promoted. Some sources identify concepts of strategy and tactics in the field of search engine promotion that can often mislead a potential client.

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